Unboxing a Custom Anniversary Report

Anniversary Report

Repeat donors are the lifeblood of any nonprofit.  However, sometimes your most recent campaigns or appeals may not have resonated with some donors.  Or, life may have gotten in the way of their paying attention to your appeals.  Regardless, keeping tabs on donors who have not given in a while is important.

One of Reporting Xpress's more common requests lately has been for a Blackbaud Raiser's Edge custom automated report in the form of an Anniversary Report identifying donors (or repeat donors)  whose time gap since their last donation is crossing over the one-year mark.  The report could easily be customized for any time period, but it makes sense that one year is the most commonly requested period.   Many donors tend to give seasonally based on tax planning considerations or when they receive extraordinary monies like bonuses, payments from investments or rents, dividends, etc.  

Typically, these customized reports will include some information about the donor (constituent codes are often used), their contact information, and some information on their giving history.  The information on giving history info probably varies the most from organization to organization.

The advantages of automating a custom report for this purpose include being able to get the exact actionable information that your organization needs on the report and the comfort that this actionable information will always get to the hands of the people who can act on it regardless of whether your data team member(s) are busy, out on vacation or holiday, turn over, etc.  It is also one more thing off of their plate so that they can stay focused on keeping your data clean and finding new insights that will help your organization enjoy even greater fundraising success.

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